I18n support for Spring boot APIs

By: Kannan Ramamoorthy On: Sun 08 July 2018
In: Java Spring
Tags: #Spring Boot #Spring #I18n #L10n #Java


This document is intended for the developers who implement i18n in their Spring/Spring boot application.

Since the available articles in the net are not quite helpful on why we have to do certain things, writing this documentation to help people start with the i18n for Spring-boot apps.


With i18n we’ll make sure that our app is capable of responding the requests in the specific locales of the client. The scope of this document is not to address all the edge cases of the i18n support but to provide the technical help on facilitating the i18n support in Spring-boot applications, along with the answers for why of the technical part. Further, this focuses only the i18n support based on accept-language header.

Also please note that this is not the way, it is one of a neat way possible in Spring-boot.


For i18n, typically you will not hardcode any string within your code, and have it defined as property files for each language you support, outside your code.


1. Define the Messages class

The below class will be the facade that returns the message in required locale for a given key.

public class Messages
    private MessageSource messageSource;

    private MessageSourceAccessor accessor;

    // To let the messages accessed statically
    private static Messages ownInstance;

    // Default locale for your app.
    // app.default.locale expected to be available in application.properties/yml
    private String defaultLocale;

    public void init()
        Locale.setDefault(new Locale(defaultLocale));
        accessor = new MessageSourceAccessor(messageSource);
        ownInstance = this;

    private String getString(String key)
            return accessor.getMessage(key);
        } catch (MissingResourceException e)
            return '!' + key + '!';

     * Returns the Locale specific message from the configured
     * {@link MessageSource}
     * @param theKey
     *            The key for which the message will be returned.
     * @return The message string associated with the given key.
    public static String getMessage(String theKey)
        return ownInstance.getString(theKey);

2. Initialize MessageSource

The MessageSource abstracts the source from which the value of a string is being fetched.

In the @configuration class, you have to initialize a MessageSource.

Please note that the method name should be messageSource or else you have to explicitly define the id of the @Bean to be messageSource. The reason is Spring’s convention.

    public MessageSource messageSource()
        ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource aMessageSrc = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
        // all files under the classpath with prefix messages
        return aMessageSrc;

3. Initialize LocaleResolver

The LocaleResolver takes the responsibility of resolves the Locale for each request.

    public LocaleResolver localeResolver()
        SessionLocaleResolver slr = new SessionLocaleResolver();
        return slr;

4. Externalize strings

Externalize the hardcoded strings that could be responses for API. And store in message_<locale>.properties, so that the values of the properties will be your actual message for a specific locale.

Note: Eclipse users can take the help from eclipse. To use it right click on src project open "Source">"Externalize Strings…​"

5. Refer the messages using keys

In your actual code, use the below call to get the respective message.


6. I18n in Filter

If you have filters(classes that extend Filter), you would be required to add the below line in the doFilter method.


7 . I18n in Security Filters(untested)

If you are using Spring Security filters, you will be required to add the below initialization in the configuration.

The configuration class is expected to extend WebMvcConfigurerAdapter to make use of addInterceptors.

   public LocaleChangeInterceptor localeChangeInterceptor() {
       LocaleChangeInterceptor lci = new LocaleChangeInterceptor();
       return lci;

   public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {

Why part?

Why ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource?

The below is an excerpt from Javadoc of the class, > This strategy is not only capable of reloading files based on timestamp changes, but also of loading properties files with a specific character encoding. It will detect XML property files as well.

Why SessionLocaleResolver?

The SessionLocaleResolver supports the below support, - Support for default local, when defaultLocale set, that will be used. - If Locale not set, along with LocaleChangeInterceptor we can use query param to choose the locale. - Support to locale from from 'Accept-language' header. - Support to control Locale through cookie.

Why to explicitly set locale for Filter?

Adding LocaleChangeInterceptor intercepter didn’t help, as the interceptor’s preHandle method is running after the doFilter.

Why to add Interceptor and adding it to registry for Security filter?

Responsibility of LocaleChangeInterceptor is to set the Locale for the request. Adding the LocaleChangeInterceptor config instantiates it. To ensure that it is being invoked we are adding it to interceptor.


Checkout this project for a sample i18n implementation, using the simple values in accept-language in header.

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For any feedback or corrections, please write in to: kannangce@rediffmail.com

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