Kedane's algorithm

By: Kannan Ramamoorthy On: Sat 08 March 2014
In: Computer Science, Algorithm
Tags: #Algorithm #Kedane's

Problem: Have to find the sequence with the largest sum in a given sequence. To elaborate the question, a sequence is given with positive and negative integers mixed say, {3, -4, 5,-2, 10}. In this, continues sequence with the largest sum is {5, -2, 10}.

Personal Background: Had this question in an technical interview. Without knowing that this is a known technical problem, I solved it independently. So just keeping it here as a personal note and memory.


 * Class to find the continuous sequence with the largest sum in a given sequence.
public class MaxSumSequence {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // The sequence in which we need to find the (sub-)seuence with the
  // largest sum.
  int[] a = {
  Sequence aMaxSequence = getMaxSumSequence(a);
  System.out.print("The continuos sequence with the maximum sum:{");
  for (int i = aMaxSequence.start; i < aMaxSequence.end; i++) {
   System.out.print(a[i] + ",");
  System.out.print(a[aMaxSequence.end] + "}");

 private static Sequence getMaxSumSequence(int[] a) {
  Sequence theMaxSequence = new Sequence(0, 0, a[0]);
  Sequence theCurrentSequence = new Sequence(0, -1, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
   theCurrentSequence.end = i;
   theCurrentSequence.sum += a[i];
   if (theCurrentSequence.sum > theMaxSequence.sum) {
    theMaxSequence.start = theCurrentSequence.start;
    theMaxSequence.end = theCurrentSequence.end;
    theMaxSequence.sum = theCurrentSequence.sum;
   // If the current sequence is not have a sum greater than 0, its not
   // going to contribute for the sequence
   if (theCurrentSequence.sum <= 0) {
    theCurrentSequence.start = i + 1;
    theCurrentSequence.sum = 0;
  return theMaxSequence;

  * The class represent a sequence.
 private static class Sequence {
  public Sequence(int theStart, int theEnd, int theSum) {
   start = theStart;
   end = theEnd;
   sum = theSum;
  int start;
  int end;
  int sum;

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